Introducing Coventry’s Corner

Some of you will remember that some time ago we had a Bear Gathering at our History Centre and many special bears brought their owners in to see their friends. Some of the Bears liked it so much that they stayed and have popped up at subsequent events to entertain our younger visitors.

Although our Bears have all been in isolation during the closure of the library, some of them can still be seen through the window.

One of our special Bears is “Coventry”, and we will introduce him to you soon, but in the meantime, we have created a special place on our website for the young at heart which we have called “Coventry’s Corner”.

Look for this picture at the bottom of our web pages and click on it to see the articles that have been posted so far, which have focussed on ideas to keep our young people safe and occupied during this unusual time.

And don’t forget to subscribe to our website using the “Subscribe” button also at the bottom of each page, so that you will receive an email whenever a new post is added.