Some of our members are finding that isolation is inspiring them to take up past skills, explore new ones, work through the backlog of tasks at home or in this case, write an article for our Gateways or other web pages.

Some of these newly created stories are already online, so make sure that you check out our Gateways topics, including “Gardens & Gardeners”, “War, Peace & Memorials” and “Our Migrant Heritage” to see the stories of our Local or Garden History.
Here’s a link to our Gateways Topics page if you haven’t been there before.
And don’t forget to subscribe to our pages to receive an email whenever a new post is added, so that you don’t miss anything. (Scroll down to the section marked SUBSCRIBE TO SEE OUR LATEST CONTENT at the very bottom of the page, enter your email address and in a few simple steps you will be connected.)
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