An update on Koalas and Bears and the rest of 2018

My how time flies!!

It’s time for our next MLDHS event “Talking about Koalas” which is being held on Friday 14 September at 6.30pm for 7.00pm at the Stirling Library.  This promises to be another very informative evening for young and old so you have any young ones in your family please bring them along or invite any parents you know  with young children to bring them along also. This is all part of our marvellous research project about The History of Bears.

Yes we do know that Koalas are NOT Bears – but they do feature in our special History Centre display which includes stories and images about:- Bears in the Wild; The History of the Teddy Bears; the place of Teddy Bears in family life; Teddy Bears as travelling companions; Bears in literature and music; the social role of Snuggle Bears, Welcome Bears and Trauma Bears. So far the display includes 59 Teddy Bears of all ages shapes and sizes and levels of wear and tear. My family Teddy Bear is there – watch out for the one with one eye, one ear and blue socks to cover his battered paws!   Don’t miss it, it is informative and fun! See you there!

PS… and we even discovered South Australia’s very own Bear – “Marty Bear” is in pride of place.

        If you have one then bring him along.

Attached is flyer for this event for your information along with an updated calendar of events for the remainder of 2018.