You are invited to our next event which includes a visit to the Macclesfield ANZAC Memorial Garden, Lunch and a talk at the local RSL.
If you have not seen this memorial before, it has a very diverse and picturesque layout with all sorts of interesting memorial items scattered through an attractive native garden.
The previously highly anticipated presentation by Dr Anthony Stimson, which was postponed due to COVID-19, is now back on our calendar in early August. Real-life drama in our own neighbourhood, now mostly forgotten but set to be revived at this year’s Frank Hurren Memorial presentation.
This will be a popular event and RSVPs are essential
Our next event, on Friday 1st July, considers the period of Modernist Architecture (1950 – 1965) in Adelaide and the Hills, presented by Dr. James Curry.
For many years it has been a goal of the Society to make our collection available on-line to reach a world-wide audience. Our facebook page and website have gone a small way towards achieving this goal, but we are limited by a lack of volunteers to assist in digitising what is at present a very non-digital collection.
We would welcome assistance in this task. Volunteer
Nevertheless, progress continues and today we can announce that the earliest of the society’s newsletters, from 1978, are now available on our website and we hope to add many more in the future. Look for the “Publications” menu on our home page and choose “Past Issues of the Flinders Column”, or simply click or tap here
Financial members of the Society will continue to receive regular printed issues of the current Flinders Column, as part of their membership subscription and we will only be publishing bygone issues on-line.
We all have stories within our families of travel in trucks and buses over the years and within the Hills community many memories revolve around those day to day activities from the past. Come and enjoy our presentation and join the discussion that is bound to ensue.
Our May event will be another popular evening so please RSVP as shown in the flyer below.
Members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting where our Principal Researcher, Chris Chardon, will speak about the 100 year history of his family’s connection with the Stirling area.
Please RSVP if attending and remember to abide by the current COVID-19 rules for the venue.
Celebrating the launch of the book by Hamish Cooper about the History of the Aldgate CFS, is our current display in the History Centre at the Coventry Library in Stirling
Once again our volunteers continue to catalogue new donations to our archive. Click on the image for a glimpse of just some of the items registered this month to whet your appetite.
Our History Centre in the Coventry Library is open between 2 and 4 on all days that the Library is open, so come and visit us for more local and garden history.
And remember that we depend upon our community to think of us when historical items are discovered, so if you are taking the opportunity of holidays to have a clean out and you come across something you think may be of interest, don’t throw it out, but let us have the chance to see it first. (Unfortunately we don’t have the space for large objects, but any written information, books, letters, photographs, films, slides, articles, etc may be donated).
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