New Acquisitions February 2022

Text: Jackie Mussared
Images: Jackie Mussared

A selection of new items added to our archive during February 2022

Adelaide Hills Magazine , featuring ‘Hills People’

These include Trevor Nottle with an 1889 book ‘Japanese Flowers’ & Frank Hurren with the book ‘The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture 2004’

No: 4665001

Heidrich, Obst & Schmidt families

This booklet is a supplement to the Heidrich, Obst & Schmidt families & their     decendants in Australia 1845-1983. It was published in 1990 by the Heidrich Obst Schmidt Reunion Committee.

No: 4670001

Bridgewater Mill Tapestry

A framed tapestry of Bridgewater Mill made by Dot Smythe nee Brook

No: 4681001


A second copy of the book ‘All the roads leading to Ironbank’ which was published in 2019. The book was written by Betty Frith & curated by Judith Lydeamore.

No: 4523002

Aldgate Pump

A B&W photo of a man sitting on the Aldgate Pump with the sign posts of neighbouring places listed. There is no indication of who the young man is          

No: 4683001

‘Andrewartha House’

‘Andrewartha House’, which was previously called ‘Tantunga’. Mrs Gibb nee Andrewartha gave the house & a sizeable piece of land & it became an aged care home called Andrewartha House.

No: 4679001

William Hartley Davey

A 1995 certificate for recognition of war effort given to William Hartley Davey & a photograph of him.

No: 4687001



A coloured print of ‘Beechwood Conservatory’ signed by the artist H W F             Williamson   

No: 4686001

Do you have any further knowledge of the items shown which have been recently acquired by the Society? Or do you know something about the people or places that are depicted?

We welcome your contributions to:

or drop into the History Centre at the Coventry Library, 63 Mount Barker Road, Stirling.