Wattle Day – 1st September

On the 1st September each year we celebrate “Wattle Day”.

The tradition was born many years ago and has unfortunately slowly faded away. Of course we all still see the many wattles in flower at this time of year but we may not take the time to reflect on their place in our history.

Liz Hansman has updated her article on Wattle Day to include the “Wattle and Daub” method of early house construction. You can read about all things wattle by clicking here.

Chris McCabe – The Travelling Gardener Presentation

                                                     Deferral – Friday September 13th 2021

                                            Chris McCabe – The Travelling Gardener Presentation

Dear Members

You will all be aware of the complexities of event planning in the current Covid19 environment. While the constraints which social distancing and mask wearing for audience and workers remain in place, hovering over us all is the ongoing potential for the virus to move over the border. Sudden cancellation of events is a strong possibility.

Chris McCabe, author of the celebrated Adelaide Hills Gardens – is our guest speaker for Friday 13th September 2021.  In her role as a travel writer Chris has been travelling extensively around South Australia. Sometimes  the communication systems are erratic and our conversations have been fractured by distance and weather conditions.

We finally made contact last week and discussed, in detail, the constraints we were facing and the benefits of deferral to a later date. We also considered how we could turn adversity to advantage.

Our final decision was to defer – probably to September 2022. One of the benefits of deferral is that Chris has been gathering together a some marvellous stories about the extraordinary gardeners she has met in her travels. These stories will form the basis of her presentation next year – introducing a new element into our knowledge of garden history. Watch out for our 2022 Program of Events which is currently being prepared.

With regard to the other events scheduled for 2021, including the highly popular Murder at Christmas – we are maintain a watch and wait approach. If the conditions improve we will go ahead and will keep you all informed.

Meanwhile life in the History Centre is very busy. We are recording donations, building the data-base, preparing new displays, cataloguing our research collection in collaboration with the Library, preparing a commemoration edition of the Flinders Column, making additions to Gateways and updating the website and Facebook, responding to enquiries , expanding the Newspaper Collection and engaging with other organisations – while masked, sanitised and socially distanced as required!

Amazing times!

Warm regards to you all.

Ann Herraman


Mt Lofty Districts Historical Society Inc.

M 0419 816 490

Murder Postponed!

“Murder at Christmas” Presentation by Dr Tony Stimson

Friday 13th August 2021 from 7.00pm for 7.30pm to 9.30pm


New date to be advised.

Dear Members

Over the last three weeks the MLDHS Team has been responding to the restrictions placed on public performances and presentations due to the current Covid19 outbreak and lockdown. In collaboration with presenter Dr Tony Stimson  and the Coventry Library Management the MLDHS Team has agreed that the mandatory requirement for all participants – audience, workforce and presenters – to wear masks will prevent us all from experiencing this ‘blockbuster’ event in all its extraordinary dimensions. As soon as conditions and regulations permit we will arrange an alternative date – probably in October – when we can present the “Murder at Christmas’ program again.

Meanwhile, Dr Tony Stimson is continuing his investigations and will be available as soon as an appropriate date can be settled. We will retain our booking list and inform our guests and the public as soon as the date is available.

Although we are all disappointed at the delay we are in no doubt that the wait will be well worthwhile.

Many thanks for your support and interest in this fascinating topic.

Kind regards to you all. We will be in touch!

Ann Herraman

Dr Ann Herraman


Mt Lofty Districts Historical Society Inc.

M 049 816 490

Murder at Christmas!

This Event has been postponed due to COVID-19 Restrictions, but will definitely happen when we have the “All Clear”. Keep watching our website or facebook page for updates.

What is the origin of the name “Murder Hill” in Stirling? Are the stories true?

Dr Anthony Stimpson reveals the results of his research on this intriguing topic at this years Frank Hurren Memorial Presentation.

RSVP essential and COVID rules will apply

Genealogy in June is back!

Our popular Genealogy presentations are back again. These can be very popular and our numbers are restricted by COVID obligations, so Book Now to ensure you have a place.

The Great Air Race of 1919

Celebrating the centenary of the dramatic and pioneering flight of Keith and Ross Smith and their crew in 1919

Please note that RSVP is essential for this event and COVID rules will apply

Old Upper Sturt Post Office

The Old Post Office is one of very few remaining wooden buildings in Upper Sturt and the Adelaide Hills. It is an integral part of the settlement story of Upper Sturt. It has been a post office, a shop, a home and we hope it will ‘live again’ as a place for people to use and enjoy.

The community consultation will be held on Tuesday 27 April from 7-9pm in the Upper Sturt Soldiers’ Memorial Hall, 173 Upper Sturt Road.

All COVID-19 requirements for the event will be followed. The Hall has a COVID Management Plan and 4 COVID Marshalls.

John Halsey (Dr) Secretary, Upper Sturt Soldier’s Memorial Hall.


Old Stirling East School Open Day

This local event is a part of South Australia’s History Festival and showcases the old Stirling East School, built in 1864 and still thriving as the “Old School Community Garden“.

Our Community Garden is on 2 ½ beautiful acres of the Adelaide Hills – the former Stirling East Primary School.

The historic school and teacher’s residence were used from the mid-1860s until 1969, when Mt Lofty CFS made it their base; it’s now an expanding community hub.

Tours or explore this wonderful space in your own time (access inside buildings has been limited due to Adelaide Hills Council preservation work).

Free workshops and activities for all ages (see facebook). Quality teas, coffee, cakes, wood oven scones, lunch options, trading table (all cash only); discover gardens/trails/art and more in this historical location.

Your Invitation to our 2021 AGM

Please see the attached notice giving details of our Annual General Meeting for 2021, including special presentations to our participants in the “Pathways to Education and Employment” oral history project.

RSVP essential on 0419 816 490

Note: Our Facebook page is currently offline due to their banning of news content in Australia. Hopefully this will be restored very soon.